Set HTTP request timeout interval

Set HTTP request timeout interval

(Can be used on v2.6.0 or later)

Your app can use the RFP.rfpSetHttpRequestTimeoutInterval(_:) to set HTTP request’s timeout interval in RFP.

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {

    // Set HTTP request interval to 15s

    // ※ Be sure to set the rfpSetHttpRequestTimeoutInterval before rfpInitMedia

    // Acquire current setting value
    let timeoutInterval = RFP.rfpGetHttpRequestTimeoutInterval()
    // ...

Points to note when setting the timeout interval

  • A very short interval could lead to failed to get ads. Please set the value according to the situation.

  • If you set an interval longer than the timeout interval of the server, it follows the timeout of the server.