Installation Guide

This page describes the RFP iOS SDK installation procedure.


  • iOS8.0 or later
  • Xcode9.0.1 or later

Installation using CocoaPods

You can use the SDK by entering the information as follows in Podfile, and using pod install.

pod 'RFP-iOS-SDK'

Installation using Carthage

Add the following to Cartfile and execute carthage update.

binary ""

See Carthage for details on Carthage project settings.

AdSupport.framework user settings

Set AdSupport.Framework using the following procedure.

  1. Select the project file

  2. Select the build target

  3. Select the Build Phase tab

  4. Click the + button on the Link Binary with Libraries section

  5. Select AdSupport.framework

  6. Click the Add button

Other build settings

Perform the Other Linker Flag settings according to the following procedures.

  1. Select the project file

  2. Select the build target

  3. Select the Build Settings tab

  4. Search and select Other Linker Flags

5.Add the -ObjC flag

This completes the installation.

Installation in the Swift project

The Bridging-Header.h file is required.

Refer to the following.

// RFP-Bridging-Header.h
#ifndef YourProject_Swift_RFP_Bridging_Header_h
#define YourProject_Swift_RFP_Bridging_Header_h
#import <RFP/RFP.h>
#import <RFP/RFPInstreamAdLoader.h>
#import <RFP/RFPInstreamInfoModel.h>
#import <RFP/RFPOutstreamVideoAdLoader.h>
#import <RFP/RFPPlayerControl.h>
#import <RFP/RFPExceptionDelegate.h>
  • Please note that it is necessary to enter $(SRCROOT)/$(PROJECT)/RFP-Bridging-Header.h in the Objective-C Bridging Headerproperty.

Use of IDFA

This SDK uses IDFA for measuring advertising results.

IDFV is used for fraud detection and other purposes only if the user does not wish to obtain IDFA.

See FAQ for details on information acquired from terminal.